July 29, 2014

Free Mini Digital Scrapbook Kit

I've a new free mini digital scrapbook kit created for a new designer challenge at Pixel Scrapper.com called 'Pass the Kit'.  This challenge had us working in 4 teams of 3-5 team members each all using the same color palette but with no assigned theme.

Here is the preview of my team's collection:

And here is the preview of my contribution to the kit:
DOWNLOAD my portion here from my Dropbox.

My team consisted of the following designers (please visit their blogs to download their portions):

Pauline Thompson (http://dreamn4everdesigns.blogspot.com/)--- beware of Pauline's meowing cat, it greatly startled me when I first heard it!
Susan Cantin  (http://cottonartsboutique.com)
Rose Thorn   <--- you are here now
Joyce Finn  (http://joyscreations2013.blogspot.com)

Go here for a list of and a peak at all designer contributions and their links to download; however, please note, at the time I write this, the list is not yet complete as the challenge deadline is not until July 31st:

Thanks for stopping by today!

July 18, 2014

GRUNGE and ROSES - Digital Scrapbook FREEBIE

tHE pIXEL sCRAPPER Forum held a BINGO-styled designer challenge this month (July, 2014), We could choose any row or column (even diagonally) we wished and create a kit using the prompts given within the boxes of the chosen row, here's the bingo prompts image:

I chose the center horizontal row and created this kit - a freebie for all - GRUNGE and ROSES (5 digital papers and 16 digital elements):
DOWNLOAD from Dropbox


July 1, 2014

JULY, 2014 Pixel Scrapper Blog Train - FREEBIE

Time for another Pixel Scrapper Blog Train.  No theme this month so there should be quite a large variety of styles for you to download.  Go here for the list and links to all contributors.

This is what I have for you:
Download Refashioned Things