September 26, 2015

Help Me to Choose - Which color Palette should I use for creating my mini kit for Round 3 of the 2015 Next Designer Contest

I didn't participate in round 2 of the NDC (Next Designer Contest) because I wasn't inspired by the theme but I do want to participate in round 3 but I cannot decide what colors to use for the autumn theme.  I've created three options using autumn photos of my home and neighborhood in 2008...can you help me choose by indicating your choice in a comment here?  I need help ASAP; only have 3 days to complete!

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3


  1. I doubted between option 1 and 3, but decided to go for option 3. I like the warm green and red. We were driving towards a family gathering tonight and the sun was slowly starting to fade. The light outside was beautiful. The colors were warm and rich and I feel your third palette shows the colors I saw for real this late afternoon!

    1. Thank you, Jeannette...I was leaning towards 1 myself but after reading your lovely comment, I may have changed my mind. :-)

  2. Rose, I love #2! What if you make a mash up of the three? Since you are in doubt...
    Sort of like this:

  3. Hi Rose. I also LOVE #2! It's such beautiful warm inviting colors, just like fall! My second choice would be #3, but perhaps lighten up that dark brown just a tad, and change one of the light colors to either a burnt orange or that yellow/green you can see in the trees? Personally, #1 is my least favorite, but that's mostly because I'm tired of seeing pink and purple in almost every palette. Best of luck to you!

    1. I'm not sure what you mean by pink & purple in palette 1, I don't detect those hues in that palette.

    2. The first color looks very close to eggplant, which I consider a purple. And no, I don't see pink either. Sorry if I confused you with my comment!

  4. You've probably already chosen your colors, Rose, but I like 1. I prefer the softer colors.
